GRH Student Stories - Rishi

Meet Rishi

  • Students
  • 1 minute read
  • Location
    Beaufort & Skipton Health Service
  • University
    University of Melbourne
  • Field of Study
    Doctor of Physiotherapy
GRH Student Stories - Rishi

Overall, how was your rural placement experience?

My rural placement experience was nothing like any other placement I had done before. The biggest difference was that we were given much more independence. We also spent much more time with the patients than in any metro placement as there was not the same flow of patients in and out of the hospital, which meant we got to get to know them better and how their lives differed from ours, as people who grew up in the city. My biggest takeaway was getting to be more independent and in charge of my learning. I gained immense confidence as a physio that I never would have in a metro hospital because we were encouraged to do so much independently. It was a challenge to begin with, but it is something I adapted to over time and have already taken into my next placement.

Has the placement widened your knowledge of some of the rural healthcare discrepancies rural communities face?

I now have a greater appreciation for the discrepancies between rural and metro healthcare after this placement. Learning about them through uni does not compare to working in the rural system and seeing the discrepancies for yourself. Resources are limited and access is difficult, and I would have never appreciated just how difficult it can be had I not been on this rural placement.

Has it influenced your intent to practice rurally one day?

I would definitely consider working rurally after this placement. Even though I saw the challenges that rural physiotherapists face, I also had a great time and learned so much over the 4 weeks! The team I worked with were very tight-knit and passionate about delivering quality care despite the challenges that come with rural healthcare, and to say some of that passion did not rub off on me would be a lie!

Did Going Rural Health support your placement in some way, if so, what support did you receive?

I felt very supported by the Going Rural Health throughout my placement. Not only did they offer financial support for our accommodation and expenses, they also had physiotherapists come out on-site to ensure we were okay and give us feedback on how we were going. Knowing we had the Going Rural Health team made the rural placement experience a lot less intimidating, and I am very grateful to have had their support.